Макс Жданов

Макс Жданов е утвърден професионалист с повече от 15 години опит в управлението на хора и бюджети в размер на десетки милиони долара в “Travel & Hospitality“ индустрията. Той е управлявал стратегически проекти и разпределени екипи в Северна Америка, Латинска Америка, Великобритания, Централна и Източна Европа и Азия.
Макс притежава експертни познания в областта на бизнес развитието и account management-a. Участвал е в откриването и развитието на нови офис локации с маркетингови, търговски и развойни функции.
Роден е в столицата на Украйна – Киев, където завършва „Информационни технологии“ в Киевския политехнически институт, а впоследствие придобива магистърска степен по „Приложна математика“ и MBA от Ukrainian Foundation of Management Development.
09.10 Keynote
1.7. Travel Technology in "New Normal"
The coronavirus pandemic is perhaps the most far-reaching event in modern memory. Broadly speaking, the Travel, Transportation and Hospitality Industry was in cardiac arrest during the pandemic. Most sources point to 50-60% unemployment in the principal segments of the industry. Hotel occupancy rates dropped to nearly 95% globally within just a few weeks. Airline capacity dropped by nearly 80% at the peak of the quarantine. Many transactional businesses in the supply chain cut staff to the "keep the lights on" level. Travel companies were literally flooded with cancellation requests, and processing times for refunds and cancellations spiked to 30-90 days.
Around the globe, long months of lockdown have touched every aspect of life: how we work, how we shop, how we communicate, and how we occupy ourselves when almost every recreational activity outside the home has been forbidden. As countries around the world start to reopen gradually, normal isn’t quite what it used to be. Social distancing and masks are the order of the day, and businesses are operating during limited hours, and with new policies to keep employees and consumers safe. Travel will see far-reaching changes as a result of the pandemic. But any crisis creates opportunities for those who are open minded and are able to adjust quickly. Will be the recovery after this crisis similar to ones we encountered and is there a silver-lining indeed?